City of Tucson Transit System #7316

45 passenger, 1973 General Motors Coach, Model T6H4523A, Serial 415

Bus #7316 in its original paint scheme at Congress and Stone in August 1974.

The 1950’s brought massive declines in transit service in the United States due to increasing popularity of the automobile. Within two decades bus lines went from their all time peak ridership during World War II to the verge of bankruptcy. In city after city municipal government assumed responsibility for transit service, among them Tucson in 1969 and Phoenix in 1971. City ownership and management meant new service and new diesel buses, just in time for the gasoline crisis in the winter of 1973. Tucson was especially hard hit with long lines at the gas pumps.

The first new buses purchased by the City of Tucson in 1972 were essentially the same as #7316 which came in the second order (#7312-7321) a year later. They arrived in the City’s new paint scheme taken from the colors in the City seal—pale yellow and white on the outside with sky blue seats and flooring on the inside.

Bus #7316 in the second Sun Tran paint scheme on Franklin east of Church on Rodeo Parade Day, 1990.

When ATE Management succeeded American Transit Corporation in 1978, the second Sun Tran paint scheme and modified sun logo were adopted. Number 7316 continued to serve the citizens of Tucson until its retirement in 1995 when it was donated by the city to Old Pueblo Trolley. Shortly thereafter, OPT volunteers returned it to its original 1973 pale yellow and white paint scheme.

Bus #7316 in the first Sun Tran paint scheme at Country Club & 22nd in September 1975.

In 1975 the name Sun Tran was adopted for the city-owned system along with a new logo and color scheme.


Tucson Rapid Transit #217


Warren-Bisbee #1